Cash Flow Forecasting
This module of the Masterbill Elite system will enable you to accurately predict and monitor a Project’s Cash Flow from Inception to Completion.
Cash Flow Forecasting uses the DHSS expenditure forecast method to produce cashflow forecasts for either individual or multiple schemes based upon the DHSS forecasting formula and standard parameters
Masterbill Elite Cash Flow Forecasting enables the user to produce:-
Expenditure Forecasts for single projects with minimal data input – allowing projections to be made on any type of construction project with any length of contract period and any retention period.
Expenditure Forecasts for multiple projects in one combined Cash flow – allowing forecasts to be produced for selected phases of a multiple phase scheme or selected projects within a particular area or selected projects from the construction budget of a Local Authority.
Accurate Cash Flow Forecasts - the ability to separate and provide alternative spend profiles for Preliminaries, Significant Cost Items (such as Piling or Mechanical Plant) and Advanced Payments.
Cash Flows based on the Contractor’s Programme - the ability to allocate BQ or Cost Plan items and their associated costs to the tasks on the Contractor’s programme will provide a more realistic forecast and enable closer monitoring of the actual spend as it is updated by each valuation.
Input of actual valuations – this allows Cash flow monitoring and revised forecasts to be produced. Masterbill Elite Cash Flow Forecasting will even work out how long it thinks a project will take based on the actual expenditure achieved.
International Currencies – the system is not restricted to Pounds Sterling but can calculate in any currency.
Presentable outputs – Masterbill Elite Cash Flow Forecasting will produce either tabular or graphical output that is clear and presentable for Quantity Surveyors and Clients alike and can be exported if required.
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