Masterbill Elite
By combining the functionality of a number of individual products Masterbill Elite provides the complete solution for all those involved in measuring and costing Construction work.
Masterbill Elite combines ...
The freeform flexibility of a Word Processor for Preliminaries, Preambles, Schedules of Work etc.
The central database, search and adjustment facilities of a Cost Planning system.
The standard library, full sortation, dimsheets, dynamic dims and eTendering facilities of a BQ Production system.
The importation, priced library, freeform BQs, sub-contract packaging and adjustment facilities of an Estimating system.
The re-use, adjustment and monitoring of pre-contract data of a Post Contract system
The time saving measurement tools of a CAD Measurement system
The interogation and selection tools of a BIM Measurement system
... in a single product with a single database
From Project Inception to Agreement of the Final Account Masterbill Elite is on hand to help and includes:
Cost Planning facilities that enable you to create your Budget Estimate/Cost Plan by making use of a Cost Planning Library such as NRM1 or the cost data stored on a previous project no matter whether it was originally part of a Cost Plan, BQ or Final Account
Bills of Quantities (BQ) Production facilities that enable you to take advantage of one of our Standard Library of Descriptions and powerful, yet familiar, onscreen dimsheet to combine the measurements of multiple QS's into a single professional document for Tendering. Full sortation facilities and flexible page layouts enable you to sequence and present the documents to meet the exact requirements of your project and your clients.
Pricing and Estimating facilities enable Quantity Surveyors to record lump sum and unit rates and Estimators to build up their prices using Labour, Plant and Material resources or create Sub-Contract packages and then compare, include and substitute sub-contract prices in their tender. Matching Prices and Finding Prices routines enable the location and re-use of previous cost data in a matter of seconds, once priced tenders can easily be analyised and compared.
Integrated CAD Measurement enables measurements from PDF or CAD drawings to be inserted and linked directly into an items dimsheet which results not only in significant time saving and an increase in accuracy but also an audit trail that can be followed long after the tender documents have been issued.
Integrated BIM Measurement provides fast, efficient and accurate measurement from BIM models with the quantities inserted directly into the projects dimsheets providing the user with a clear and easy to follow audit trail and the ability to quickly identified what has been measured a clear and user-friendly graphical interface.
Cash Flow Forecasting can be used to create initial forecasts based upon limited information using a standard S Curve through to more detailed forecasts created by linking the BQ Items to the Contractor's Programme and can also be used to record actual progress assessed for Interim Valuations which will enable accurate predictions for Completion Dates and Final Account Costs to be made using Earned Value Analysis (EVM) features.
Post Contract tasks such as Interim Payments/Valuations, Financial Reports and Final Accounts can all be carried out making use of all available relevant Cost Data whether associated with the current or a previous project.
Click here to download a Masterbill Elite brochure and/feature checklist.
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