Masterbill Elite gets a facelift... and much more.
Users will get a pleasant surprise when they update to the recently released Version 4 of Masterbill Elite to find a whole new modern interface.
Masterbill developers have been hard at work updating everything from buttons to help tips to ensure that our users have the most modern and functional system available whilst making other available systems look outdated and awkward by comparison.
Masterbill users will now find everything they regularly need easily accesible from a clear measurement window that makes full use of the latest Windows and widescreen environments.

But Version 4 is not just about 'window dressing' as it is not just the appearance that has changed there are a number of new features and enhancements throughout the system that are not quite as easy to spot but will still make an impact including:
The ability to Export to Excel with both formatting and formulas
An update to the Dimlist to incorporate a date and timestamp
A clear indication on the Dimsheet of any dimstore multiplication factors that have been applied.
The ability to set Tags for individual dimsheets whilst measuring.
Enhancements to the Page Layout options including the ability to set a bottom of page margin.
Improvements to the Dim Management interface including a 'Back' button.
A new 'Find QSCad Description' function that enables the user to locate and use the descriptions previously allocated to a QSCad item no matter which project it was used on.
An Improved Print Preview
A new modern Project Manager Tree
New 'Take Off Lists' features
Speed enhancements when saving and printing.
Integration of our new BIM Measurement module QSBIM (which is now available to purchase).
We are convinced that all these enhancements on top of all the features that our users already know and love will once again establish Masterbill Elite as the market leader.