Introducing the Masterbill Academy - A New Approach to Training
With almost 40 years of experience Masterbill are more than aware of the challenges and issued faced when arranging and conducting face to face training.
Coordinating diaries, agreeing and booking a suitable location/facility, coping with the differing skill sets and experience of the trainees, having to cover everything in a day, and enabling trainees to remember what they have learnt, not to mention others having to cover as all staff are 'in training' are all known or expected challenges.
But then there are the unexpected challenges, a key member of staff calls in sick on the training day, another is called to an urgent meeting, the trainer is delayed due to travel problems and then of course there is IT involved and the trainer ends up spending time completing the installation rather than conducting training.
In response to these challenges and the advance in technology many organisations are adopting and embracing a new approach to training and Masterbill want to provide their users the opportunity to do the same.
So we are pleased to announce the Launch of the ...

The Masterbill Academy is designed to enable users to carry out their training at a time, place and pace that suits them.
Hosted on the internationally recognised Teachable platform each Masterbill Academy training course consists of a series of Training Videos that together with a Training Manual, Quizzes and 'Try It Yourself' exercises enable users to work through a complete course and obtain a certificate upon completion.
The Masterbill Academy will enable all registered users to access the courses and will track each individual's progress and enable them to review or revisit a section at any time during the course or at a later date when they are actually using the software.

We have already received some positive feedback from some of our initial users including one for whom English is a second language reporting...
"It was much easier for me to fully understand the training as I could review, rewind and rewatch anything that I didn't understand the first time - this was just not possible during face to face training"
and another suggesting...
"Due to the inclusion of quizzes I am going to record this as formal CPD"
So far we have only published the Getting Started with QScadv4 training course but, following the positive response, we now have plans to produce a number of further full Training Courses for Masterbill Elite and the new QSCadv4 Siteworks and Drainage modules as they are released in the coming months. We are also putting together a number of smaller 'Masterclass' courses to cover particular advanced features of the software such as 'Components' and 'Integration with Masterbill Elite' which will enable us to cover, in full, topics that are often 'squeezed in' at the end of a day of face to face training.
There are also added financial and environmental benefits to this new approach to training as Masterbill staff will not be required to spend hours in planes, trains, cars and hotels we can now reduce the costs of training and our carbon footprint too.
With full courses starting at just £250, Masterclasses at just £95, and multiple user bundles available, we are confident that users will be able to complete full online training at fraction of the cost of the equivalent face to face training.

We hope you will welcome this new approach and will soon view Masterbill Academy Training Courses as a 'must do' for all new and existing staff alike. Why not visit and sign up for the Masterbill Academy today, it can be accessed from the Customers Area menu on our website. Please contact us if your require a quotation for a multiple user bundle. Don't forget to watch out for details of new courses in the coming months as they are made available.
Of course we are still willing and available to undertake face to face training if required.