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Steelwork Measurement Made Easy!

“Can QSCadv4 be used to measure steelwork?” was the question posed by Lucy McCann of Glen-Fab Steelwork Fabrications in Spring 2019

“Of course, and we can even supply you with a library of components to make it even easier.”

was the answer from Masterbill.

The Problem

Glen Fab are a specialist steelwork fabricator who are often called upon to provide firm quotations based on limited information - often provided as a series of “not to scale” pdf files. Manual measurement using a scale rule and Excel and incorporating a scaling factor often resulted in long hours of measurement being required for each quotation and in turn resulted in not all enquiries being priced and wholesale remeasurement being required to incorporate any changes.

The Solution

QSCadv4 imports and calibrates a pdf file with just a few clicks and then enables accurate measurement to be undertaken in a fraction of the time it would take to do it manually. The Steelwork components library enables the user to select the member size together with any surface preparation and finishings and measure the length, then QSCad does the rest creating the relevant measured items based on the weight and surface area of the member selected.

The user can even choose whether they require the output to be as a Standard List of Members or in accordance with SMM7 or NRM2. The summaries generated by QSCad can then be printed or exported to Excel for enquiries and/or pricing.

Not only does QSCadv4 make the measurement easier but its full audit trail and revision facilities enable users to make small or large adjustments to incorporate revisions in minutes rather than hours.

The Result

Glen Fab are now able to carry out the

measurement required for all quotations in a fraction of the time it took by hand, are assured of their accuracy and can cope with revisions without have to undertake complete remeasurement.

Masterbill have made their Steelwork Component Library available to all QSCadv4 users. This is just one of the Component Libraries that Masterbill have made available with more planned in the coming months to cover all building elements.

Why not take a look at what QSCadv4 can do to improve the speed and accuracy of your measurement? Alternatively why not send us your “Can QSCadv4 be used to measure…?” Questions

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